Restore options


This article describes the restore options available in the new Recovery Launchpad.


  • New Recovery Launchpad


You can access the new Recovery Launchpad via the Datto Partner Portal. The page offers multiple ways to restore your system and files from your backup points stored in the Datto Cloud. For recovery options from backups stored locally on your Datto device, see Restore.

Below is a list of each cloud restore option. Not all restore methods will be available on all systems.

  • File Restore: Restore volumes as folders that you can access to retrieve files that have been removed or are no longer accessible on your protected system. You can also convert a cloud virtualization to a file restore. See Partner Portal: File restore for details.
  • Virtualization: Create a virtual machine (VM) of your protected system in the Datto Cloud that can be accessed and networked to provide business continuity in the event of a disaster. See Partner Portal: Performing a virtualization for details.
  • Image Export: Export a recovery point as a VHD, VHDX,or VMDK, virtual hard disk. You can also convert a cloud virtualization to an Image Export. See Partner Portal: Image Exports for details.

For assistance with any of these restore methods, contact Datto Technical Support.


  • Recovery Launchpad is not available for devices with a SIRIS Private billing plan. All restores must be performed using local restore options via the device UI.

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